Publishing is this strange world, like something behind a door that Alice might stumble upon. And even though her heart sped up and she wasn't entirely sure, Alice went through the door. And so did I. Every time I think I've got things figured out and know what to expect, something changes and I'm left readjusting the newest information to fit what I already know. I knew that it would be different to release a book on my own through a publisher-- different than it was to have the safety net of a co-author. I knew it would mean people would be reading MY words and I'd be giving up a little piece of myself (okay, a fairly substantial piece) to strangers. I knew that some people would like it and some would not. I knew, no matter what, the same people who have stood in my corner would remain there, pushing me back into the ring when I was unsure. But what I didn't know was how overwhelming it would be to have people read my words and internalize them to the point of messaging me and telling me how much they connected with my characters. This story was so surreal, It got me in the heart. These types of hurt follow many people, some have lived it, some are living it right now and others have lived it and got out and survived. Became stronger, refuse to live in fear and humiliation any longer. I didn't expect that people would list my name on pages they follow that ask what authors are being read right now. I couldn't have imagined how it would feel to read reviews that cut right to the heart of what both of my stories were about. Falling for Home by Jody Holford is a sweet, heart-warming and entertaining love story, that deals with Asperger’s Syndrome, agoraphobia, and a woman that moves a lot and doesn’t stay for long. Ms. Holford is a new author to me but when I snuggled in on a snowy Thursday…and then Friday night to read, I found that I was looking forward to the next page. I was waiting to find out if Alex was going to pursue Lucy, if Lucy was going to confront her family…and if the town of Angel Lake was going to find out who was vandalizing their buildings. Obviously, I hoped. I mean, I wanted people to love these characters and I wanted them to fall into the stories and see themselves or at least, someone they could root for, maybe be friends with. I wanted them to feel that need to get back to the book when something has pulled them away. But I didn't EXPECT it. Or how it would feel. it is your fault I am tired today. Yes, yours. You had given me PDF's of Falling for Home and Damage so last night I decided to read one. After I finished Damage, I thought I would just read a few pages of Falling and go to bed. I ended up reading both and staying up until this morning at 6 AM. I honestly hadn't read all night for a long, long time. What I also didn't know would happen was that people would like the stories so much there would be FAN MADE teasers and images. Because you have to have FANS for that. Readers who loved your words enough to capture a moment for you. I know it isn't all going to be great reviews and awesome people. Life doesn't work like that and I'm okay with that. Because when those moments that aren't bright hit, I'll have these ones to hang onto. I shared my words, hoping someone would like them but I didn't know, in return, I'd have so much shared with me. Thank you to all of the incredibly supportive people that helped with the Falling for Home release, the Jaded Love Blog Tour, and those that are rallying for Damaged, which comes out this month. As you know, if you've read any of my blogs or acknowledgements, I hate listing people because I might miss someone who matters. But there are a few people who have gone out of their way to make me feel like a very real author (and each of them hate when I describe it like that, but it's how it feels. Like, hey, I did it. I'm for real now.) Thank you Stacey, Tanya, Cole, Debbie, Trudy, and Julie. Obviously not just them, but for right now...they're who made me want to write this blog today. So thank you. And on that more incredibly moving, beautiful thing that was made by a fan, I want to share this amazing trailer for DAMAGED which comes out this month. Come back later this month because I'll be doing a special giveaway with the jewelry designer who inspired Maddi's profession in this book.
3/14/2016 07:15:59 pm
I think we need to start a street team for you Jody. That would be awesome!!! ;) Unless, you have one that I don't know about already. :( Comments are closed.
May 2021