I'm giving away a copy of my friend Jennifer Shirk's book to celebrate the release of the second book in her Accidentally Yours series, which releases next month. All you have to do to enter is comment below, @me on Twitter or Instagram or Facebook with #romancerocks and you'll be entered to win and ecopy. Winner will be announced June 15th...plenty of time to read book one before book two releases.
Today is the day. LET IT BE ME is the first book in a new series about LOVE UNEXPECTED. All of these characters are not expecting to find their other half in quite the way they do. I hope you'll enjoy the town of Brockton Point, Maine and the people you'll meet there. Come visit me on USA TODAY'S Happily Ever After blog today!!
LOVE UNEXPECTED SERIES from Entangled Publishing
To win her trust, he’ll have to surrender his heart.
To win her trust, he’ll have to surrender his heart. Trusting Tanner is a sexy new adult romance coming May 8th from Entangled Embrace. Check out the cover!
![]() ![]() Website | Twitter | Facebook | Newsletter Courtesy of the author, we are giving away a $15 Amazon Gift Card! Enter below & good luck! a Rafflecopter giveawayHappy January! I haven't been around much, despite the fact that I have been glued to my computer. I've been working very hard on several projects and trying to get back into the swing of the full time working/momming/writing routine. Every time I start to complain about being "too busy", I think of two things: 1. How insanely cool is it that I am "too busy" with writing and editing and galley proofing and connecting online? 2. In Mindy Kaling's book, she talks about how it's a generational thing-- that her parents never complained about being 'too busy' even though they worked crazy hours, had insane commutes, and raised their kids. So, I try to be grateful that I'm busy, even when it feels overwhelming, because I'm busy doing something I love. What have I been working on? I have been making sure that both THE BAD BOY NEXT DOOR (Kendrick Place Series #2) and CAUGHT LOOKING are ready for you to read in March and April respectively. I've been working on book 3, the final book in the Kendrick Place Series. I've also been working on the first book in my new series coming from Entangled in Fall 2017; the "For You" series. ![]() I'll be doing a bunch of fun things leading up to the release of THE BAD BOY NEXT DOOR. Starting with an advanced cover reveal for my newsletter subscribers and a giveaway. So if you haven't signed up, do that and you'll get to see the sweet cover for Wyatt Daniels' story. You know you want to see it. I'll make it super easy and put the sign up below. Even though I'm not blogging quite as much as I'd like to on this page, I'm also over on Romance Chicks, hanging out with Christina, Dylann, and Renee. There's some fun stuff happening over there, so you should definitely check it out.
What's everyone else been up to? How's your January? |
May 2021