Our second release as co-authors is out today! Make sure you scroll through the entire page for a chance to win a $25.00 gift card from Amazon
They can pretend they’re fine…
Moving to NYC is supposed to be the fresh start Kristy Andrews so desperately needs, but she can't seem to shake the after-effects of having been kidnapped last year. Detective Jackson Reed never meant to kill an innocent man, but knowing that doesn’t change the guilt he lives with every single day. But they can’t hide forever… When Kirsty and Jackson meet, the connection is instantaneous, but neither is ready to open up about their pasts. Can love and trust conquer their demons? In order to have a future, they’ll have to face their past… When Kristy starts receiving threatening messages, her anxiety kicks into overdrive, but the last thing she wants is Jackson worrying about her. Jackson may doubt his ability to return to active duty, but he has no doubts about his instincts concerning Kristy. Someone is trying to hurt her, and he refuses to let that happen, even if it means going back to work; something he wasn’t sure he’d do. As the threats increase, Jackson shows Kristy that strength doesn’t mean facing her fears alone, and Kristy shows Jackson that forgiveness starts from within. Can they save each other before it’s too late? Or will the past come back to haunt them? ADVANCE REVIEW
Jaded Love is proof positive that a romance novel doesn't need sex scenes to be a fantastic book. Great characters, a good story line, a little suspense, a little romance are enough.
~Goodreads Reviewer ABOUT THE AUTHORS
I had such a clear image of Dr. Parker and Alessa and the overall arc of their story. But more than that, I had a need, a burning desire if you will, to ensure the emotional impact of this story hit the mark. I knew how I felt when I started creating it, and I was desperate almost to make sure whomever I shared this with could see and feel the same emotional punch that I did. So, yes, for that reason, I was scared to share that. I mean, what if my co-author didn’t see the story the way I did? When we (me and Anaiah) began to read through the entries, the very first thing I looked for was the emotionality of the sample. It had to move me in some way. If it did, then I began to look at other aspects -- grasp of grammar and the basic mechanics of storytelling, the author’s personality, and I even stalked you on social media. Ha! Bet you didn’t know that. 2. You wear many hats in this industry: editor, author, at one time, an agent. How does having a background in each of these, or a strong knowledge of the inner workings of the different aspects of publishing, help you in each of these roles, particularly the writing? Yeah, I wear too many hats. Want one? ;-) I think knowing and seeing and working in all of these different areas of publishing certainly helps with my writing. I have a very firm grasp on what agents / editors are looking for, what the basic thought process is when reading submissions, and overall, I think it just keeps me grounded in reality. I have no delusions about how the entire process works. 3. What do you think the hardest part of being an author is and why? Honestly, everything! lol. Writing that first draft takes time, dedication, perseverance, and skill. Then you have to revise, which can be, at times, as pleasant as a root canal. Then there’s the ridiculous amount of time spent waiting -- waiting for an offer of representation, waiting for a publishing contract, waiting for edits, waiting for release day. Oh, and let’s not forget all the anxiety that comes from actually putting all your hard work out there and hoping readers like it. What if they don’t?? *gasp* On the flip side, all of these things are also awesome and fun and scary in a good way because they all add up to one thing --- You’ve published a book!!! But, for me, the absolute hardest part is ending a book or a series and having to say goodbye to characters you’ve fallen in love with. 4. How are Josh and Jackson similar and different? I don’t know. You helped write them, you should know. LOL. Kidding. They are very similar in that they both go above and beyond for those they love, their friends, family. The women they love. They’re both strong, confident men but aren’t overbearing or controlling in anyway. Jackson is much more guarded than Josh, but deep down, they have huge hearts. Could you imagine what Jackson’s bedside manner would be like? Hahaha. Josh definitely has a much more open, softer side, which is ultimately what makes him such a great doctor. 5. Kristy is Alessa’s best friend. They matter so much to each other. Who is the friend you’d face a kidnapping madman for? My friend Christina. We met in the 5th grade, and are still friends today. We’ve been through some major highs and lows together. College. Children. Marriage. Divorce. Deaths :-( It’s the type of friendship that can withstand long periods of time without talking, and when we do chat, it’s like we never lost a moment. Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway for your chance to win a $25.00 AMAZON gift cardI'm very excited to take part in sharing one of my agency-mate's book covers today! Let me tell you a little about Brenda and her book before I show you the good stuff. Brenda Corey Dunne is a writer, physiotherapist, military spouse, and mom. Her life is never dull. Especially when there's coffee. She is the author of DEPENDENT and TREASURE IN THE FLAME. Her newest novel is titled SKIN. What is SKIN about?With a name like Ocean, you’d think moving to Prince Edward Island would be simple. But since she crossed that huge bridge to the land of red sand, Ocean’s life has been far from normal—it’s been downright dangerous. Trouble seems to follow her, and she’s got the bruises to prove it. And then there’s her mysterious neighbour, Sam...who seems to know more about her history than she does herself. When Ocean finally steps into the salty waves with Sam, she realizes that her life has been based on a lie, and that she is missing something...something she never knew existed. Her skin. WANT TO SEE?How about an excerpt? We crest a small hill and I forget all about being sulky. I forget about Seth. Because suddenly it’s there in all of its brilliant, sparkling glory in front of us—the ocean. The Ocean. I’ve seen it before, but I can’t remember. I was a baby when my parents were here last. But wow. It’s…real. Just the sight of it makes my skin feel tight and my webbed toes curl. Frank parks, and I jump out of the van like it’s on fire. I look at mom to see if she’s remembering—thinking of Dad and the happiness that they shared here but she’s gathering her things and talking to Frank about lawyers’ appointments and keys. It’s as if she doesn’t want to look, like she’s purposefully avoiding the view. I feel a rush of anger at her pointed lack of interest. Couldn’t she just look at it and remember? At least pretend like she cares? Whatever. Mom has her own issues and she can deal with them herself. With just a few deep breaths of fresh salty air, I feel human for the first time since I was unceremoniously told we were leaving the city. I shrug and turn away from Mom and Frank and my zig-zagging little brother to drink in the view of the rolling waves and shining beauty. It’s so…huge. There is nothing beyond the horizon but more water. No islands, no boats, no other shore across a bridge… no anything. I need to run, so I yell that I’ll be right back and then sprint for the dunes while they sort out less important things like keys and payment. The sand flies and I actually laugh out loud as I cover the hundred or so yards of beach blankets and umbrellas to the edge of the water, where I stop—two feet above the dark line of wet sand—and take a deep breath that would make any yoga master proud. My name is Ocean. I’ve always loved my name. The ‘shuh’ sound in the middle, the way it looks on the page and the pictures it creates in your mind. You’d think with a name like Ocean, I would practically live at the beach. But until now, standing here with my feet on the red Prince Edward Island sand, I’ve never really seen it. I’ve never looked out to nothing but seemingly infinite waves and sky. Miles and miles of liquid life. I slowly notice that it’s crowded here in front of the resort, and I recognize the sounds of whining kids and laughing teens beyond the wind. There are too many people building castles and getting sunburned for me to really experience the waves as they slide across the sand. So I stop short...I hold myself back from my overwhelming urge to run and throw myself into the water. The need to jump in is almost a physical feeling, a drawing, pulling feeling—like a Neptunian tractor-beam, but I ignore the pull. I’m not ready yet, I guess. I turn back to the resort and drag my webbed toes through the sand as I walk up the path. And then I follow my mother—who still hasn’t looked—into our rental cottage, shutting the whispering waves out with the slam of the screen door. SKIN will be available in May 2016Find Brenda onlineTwitter: @overdunne
Facebook: Brenda Corey Dunne- Author Instagram: brendacoreydunne Website: brendacoreydunne.blogspot.ca About ALTERED ![]()
A New Adult romance drawing on the author’s own experience studying law, the novel follows Liv, a young woman in her a first semester of law school. When her fiancé abruptly breaks things off, Liv is heart-broken.
Enter Nicholas, a classmate who is so withdrawn that he is an enigma to everyone around him. Nicholas is unusually young and unusually quiet, and keeps his past a tightly guarded secret. While Liv is still reeling from her break up, Nicholas begins appearing in her life and coming to her rescue. Intrigued and grateful to this quiet young man, Liv becomes determined to unravel the mystery of who Nicholas is.
Kelly Cain is a multicultural new adult and contemporary romance novelist. After many years of being entrenched in business and data analysis, she began writing a couple of years ago and discovered it to be her passion. She loves reading most genres, but historical fiction and new adult are her favorites. She has two adult daughters, and is from Stockton, California, but now lives in a suburb of Houston, Texas.
May 2021